Automotive Application Brief
Jasper Engines & Transmissions
Jasper is the world's largest remanufacturer of engines and transmissions.
Greensboro, NC
Competitive Racing
The Problem
When you are driving a few hundred miles an hour around a race track,
you want to be certain your vehicle is in top shape. Your life depends
on having accurate information about its condition. Mark Harrah,
president of Jasper Engines and Transmissions, Inc., conducts research
on and development of race cars for the Jasper Engine Winston Cup team,
both on and off the track. It is his job to be aware at all times of
the condition of the cars and drivers on his team so that they can
maximize speed and minimize danger while racing in world-class
Precision Analysis of Sensor Data
It is not easy to calibrate a sensitive racing engine. Testing must be
done while the car is on the track, so the instrumentation must be
durable and portable. The sensor system used on the car must be
extensive enough to pick up even the slightest anomaly, so that the
vehicle can be fine-tuned to run at its best and keep the driver safe.
The software used for analyzing sensor data must be extremely efficient
in order to handle data from almost twenty sensors. It must also
provide clear display of all information to minimize errors in reading
vital indicators.