An expression such as x = 0 or j++ becomes a statement when it is followed by a semicolon, as in:
x = 0;
Expressions may be entered interactively in a DADiSP session. For example, to define a global variable that contains the range of the data in W1, type:
r1 = max(w1) - min(w1)
Because only one expression has been entered interactively, the ; terminator is not required. Multiple expressions must be separated by semicolons such as:
r1 = max(w1) - min(w1); r2 = r1^2
Because functions consist of one or more statements, the terminating semicolon is always required.
/* return the data range of the input series */
Like C/C++, the opening and closing braces, { and } are used to group statements together into a compound statement or block so that they are equivalent to a single statement. The braces that surround the statements of a function are an example.