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DADiSP / WAV 3.8


WAV Digital Audio Module

DADiSP/WAV provides a menu-driven user interface integrated directly into the DADiSP Worksheet to provide a complete digital audio processing environment. Existing WAV files can be read, processed and modified. New files can be generated and written in the WAV file format. DADiSP/WAV also allows the user to call any Windows compatible WAV player device or play a series directly without a player on any WAV compatible sound card.

Read, Write, Create and Play WAV Data

Any WAV file can be read into a DADiSP Window for display and processing. DADiSP's extensive waveform editing capabilities can be applied to generate new WAV files. WAV files can be written with mono, stereo or multichannel data. PCM 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit integer format, compressed μ-Law and A-Law formats and 32/64 bit Extensible floating point formats are supported. Automatic amplitude scaling can be applied to produce audio files with optimal signal to noise ratios. A statistical summary of any series can be displayed to further aid waveform processing.


Clean Interface

Each routine is available through DADiSP's pop-up menus and as a direct command line function. Simple "fill-in-the-blank" menu fields provide a user-friendly interface to help get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Open Source

DADiSP/WAV is written entirely in SPL code, giving quick execution within DADiSP. These routines can be incorporated into user-defined functions and menus to further customize DADiSP to specific applications. All SPL source code, variable definitions and menus are supplied in ASCII text format and can be easily modified to meet the needs of custom applications.


DADiSP/WAV requires DADiSP 6.5 B01 or higher. Contact us for information about updating your current version of DADiSP.

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