Digital Signal Processing and Data Analysis
Course 197 - Three-day Course
Testing laboratory personnel who want to expand their analysis capabilities, perhaps in the interest of improving their test designs
Analysis personnel responsible for the interpretation of data acquired in the laboratory
Test requestimors/designers who want to know what tools are available and what to expect from them.
Course Description:: The objective of the course is to
provide participants with a working knowledge of the tools available
for analysis of data acquired by digital data acquisition systems
for a variety of laboratory and field applications. Basic analysis
principals and methods are presented and reinforced with practical
examples from everyday testing operations. The interaction between
test design, data acquisition and analysis is emphasized. The
lectures and discussions are designed to promote understanding
the concepts involved through "mechanical feel" rather
than mathematics. Participants are encouraged to offer problems
from their own activities for discussion and solution by the class.
- Introduction and Overview
- Review of Basic Concepts
- The time and frequency domains
- Time histories and time series analysis
- Sampling theory; acquiring good data
- Linear systems; transform concepts
- Spectra
- "Static" (Load/Deflection) Test Analysis
- Basic curve fitting
- Least squares techniques
- Linear regression
- Polynomial regression
- Spline fitting
- Yield point determination
- Oscillating-Signal Analysis
- Basic characterization
- Decibels
- Data smoothing, averaging, trend removal...
- Random signals
- Probability distribution
- Correlation
- Spectral Domain Operations
- Calculating and displaying the spectrum
- The Fourier Transform... as a Black Box
- ---What it does (and doesn't) do
- ---Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- ---Basic relationships and rules
- ---Spectral "arithmetic"
- "1/N" Octave analysis
- Spectral graphing formats
- Engineering applications
- Power Spectral Density (PSD)
- Transfer functions
- Forced-response analysis
- Data Filtering
- Filtering in the spectral domain
- Time-domain filtering
- When to use time-domain and spectral-domain filters
- Signal Integration and Differentiation
- Practical problems with real data
- Transient Data Analysis
- Spectral Analysis
- Shock Response Spectra
- Continuous-Data Analysis
- Finite measurement-length effects
- Gibb's Phenomenon...Ringing
- Windowing, window types/uses/advantages and disadvantages
- Data Averaging
- Time block averaging
- Spectral averaging, PSD
- Average transfer-function calculation
- Coherence
- Special Topics
- Anti-alias filter-correction techniques
- Modal analysis
- Using the tools--Class problems
- Final Examination
- Award of Certificates for successful completion
Tustin Technical Institute, Inc. 2005