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"Unbelievable! DADiSP is the perfect synthesis of Matlab's power and Excel's simplicity!"

- Amro Alawady, Lockheed Martin

The FREE DADiSP Student Edition

Could you use a world-class engineering and science tool -- for FREE? Read on

The DADiSP Student Edition is an easy-to-learn, user-friendly data analysis and visualization software package for scientific and engineering applications in laboratory automation, data acquisition, signal processing, image processing, computer-aided-engineering and test. The Student Edition has the full analysis functionality of the commercial DADiSP containing hundreds of menu-selectable functions that allow you to collect, edit, generate, view, analyze, and manipulate data in an easy, intuitive fashion.

The FREE Student Edition is a 9-windowed, menu-driven spreadsheet, running under Microsoft Windows, accepting data series of up to 32768 points, and includes on-line documentation to answer all your questions. Pop-up menus and icon buttons enable the user to quickly build sophisticated analysis chains with the click of a mouse, incorporating routines for signal arithmetic and calculus, signal editing, waveform generation, peak finding, Fourier analysis, matrix manipulation, graphing and plotting, custom menu creation, text, and annotation. Custom functions can be tailored with DADiSP's macro facility and Series Processing Language, SPL.

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Expected Date of Graduation (MM/YY)*
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