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"A jewel, a fully responsive package that meets the needs of the Test & Evaluation world."

- Mike Alamo, Ordnance Evaluation

DADiSP 6.5 B05 Release Notes

Installing DADiSP 6.5 for Windows 7/9x/2000/NT/XP and Vista

Place the CD into the disk drive. From the Windows Start Bar, click RUN then type:


where D: is the name of the drive with the DADiSP installation disk.

The installation procedure will prompt for a destination drive and directory for DADiSP. Follow the instructions on the screen.

The installer automatically registers .dsp .mac, .men, .hed, .pan, .tab and .spl file extensions. This allows NotePad to treat these files as ASCII text.

The installer also registers the various ActiveX capabilities of DADiSP.

See Installation Notes for more details about the installation process for both Stand-Alone and Network licenses.

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