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- Mike Alamo, Ordnance Evaluation

DADiSP 6.5 B05 Release Notes

ActiveX Enhancements

REGISTEREVENT Handles Incoming ActiveX Events

REGISTEREVENT assigns an SPL function to execute when an external AciveX event is fired.

Consider the following SPL event handler:

  /* simple event handler */
      local i, str = "";

      loop (i = 1..argc)
          str += sprintf("arg%d: %s ", i,
      message("MyEvent", str);

The handler can be used to process events from Internet Explorer.

  /* connect to Internet Explorer */
  ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application");

  /* navigate to home page */

  /* show it */
  ie.visible = 1;

  /* establish event handler */
  registerevent(ie, "TitleChange", "MyEvent");

Each time the title displayed by Internet Explorer changes, MyEvent is called and a message box is displayed.

The event can also be specified by an integer event ID. For example:

  registerevent(ie, 0x71, "MyEvent");

UNREGISTEREVENT removes and SPL event handler.

FIREEVENT and RAISEEVENT Fire Outgoing ActiveX Events

FIREEVENT fires an ActiveX event with id numbers 1 through 8. Zero or more arguments can be passed to the event handler. The arguments are passed as a standard automation array of variants suitable for most automation or script languages.

The following is an example of an event handler in VBA.

  Public WithEvents DSP As DADiSPApp

  ''' initialize server
  Sub InitDSP()

      Set DSP = New DADiSPApp
      DSP.Visible = True

  End Sub

  ''' handler for event 3
  Sub DSP_Event03(ParamArray args() As Variant)
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim s As String

      s = ""
      For i = 0 To UBound(args)
          s = s + CStr(args(i))
      Next i

      MsgBox s, vbOKOnly, "Event 3 Fired"

  End Sub

To properly setup the event handler, add a Reference to the DADiSP Type Library.

In DADiSP, executing the statement:


causes the DSP_Event03 VBA code to execute and display a message box.

The statement:

  fireevent(3, "test", 2.5)

causes the DSP_Event03 VBA code to execute and display the text:

test 2.5

RAISEEVENT uses id number 9 through 16 and provides the optional arguments as a SafeArray of variants suitable for .NET languages.

GETCONTROL Returns the Current ActiveX Object

An SPL event handler can retrieve the handle to the calling ActiveX control or server with GETCONTROL.

Consider the following SPL event handler:

  /* simple event handler */
      local i, str = "";

      loop (i = 1..argc)
          str += sprintf("arg%d: %s ", i,

      /* get calling ActiveX object */
      ctrl = getcontrol();

      /* display status text and title */
      message(ctrl.StatusText, str);

The handler can be used to process events from Internet Explorer.

    /* connect to Internet Explorer */
    ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application");

    /* navigate to home page */

    /* show it */
    ie.visible = 1;

    /* establish event handler */
    registerevent(ie, "TitleChange", "MyEvent");

Each time the title displayed by Internet Explorer changes, MyEvent is called and a message box is displayed. The message box displays the status line text and the current title of the displayed web page.

Calculate Method

Calculate accepts a variable number of arguments from an ActiveX client.

Visual Basic Example:

  Dim DADiSP as Object
  Dim val as Variant

  ''' Connect to DADiSP
  Set DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")

  ''' Create a 2 Window Worksheet without prompting
  Call DADiSP.Execute("Newworksheet(2, 0)")

  ''' Generate 10x3 random array, return result as a variant
  val = DADiSP.Calculate("rand", 10, 3)

Starts DADiSP as an ActiveX Automation server, creates a 2 Window Worksheet, returns a 10x3 random array by processing the input arguments.

The placement of the arguments can be specified with the $ character.

Visual Basic Example:

  Dim DADiSP as Object

  ''' Connect to DADiSP
  Set DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")

  ''' Create a 2 Window Worksheet without prompting
  Call DADiSP.Execute("Newworksheet(2, 0)")

  ''' Generate a scaled 100 point random series with formula
  Call DADiSP.Calculate("W1 := gnorm($1, 1)*$2", 100, 10)

Starts DADiSP as an ActiveX Automation server, creates a 2 Window Worksheet and places a 100 point random series in W1 scaled by 10 with a formula. The positions of the input arguments are specified by the placeholder variables $1 and $2.

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