DADiSP 6.0 B18 Release Notes
TeX Math & Greek Symbols
DADiSP supports a subset of TeX math and Greek symbols and formatting
commands. For example:
W1: 1..100;text(10,80,"e^{j\omegat} = cos(\omegat) + jsin(\omegat)")
places the expression for Euler's Formula in W1. TeX commands can be used
in text functions, plot labels and units.
The following summarizes the current TeX support. Each example string
can be used with the LABEL, SETXLABEL, SETYLABEL or TEXT functions. The
{}'s are used to delimit TeX expressions.
TeX processing can be enabled or disabled with the TEX_PROCESSING
configuration parameter. For example, setconf("TEX_PROCESSING", "0")
disables TeX processing.
Greek Letters
The full Greek alphabet is supported using the following TeX escape
Greek Letters
\alpha |
\beta |
\gamma |
\delta |
\eta |
\epsilon |
\varepsilon |
\zeta |
\vartheta |
\iota |
\kappa |
\lambda |
\mu |
\nu |
\xi |
\o |
\sigma |
\varsigma |
\tau |
\upsilon |
\phi |
\varphi |
\chi |
\psi |
\varpi |
\rho |
\theta |
\pi |
\omega |
The first letter of each expression can be capitalized to obtain the
upper case letter:
\Alpha, \Beta, \Gamma, etc.
"\alpha and \Omega"
"\nu = c / \lambda"
"y(t} = cos(2\pift + \theta)"
A large number of math and engineering symbols are supported with
the following TeX escape strings:
Math & Engineering Symbols
\leftrightarrow |
\Leftrightarrow |
\hookleftarrow |
\diamondsuit |
\rightarrow |
\Rightarrow |
\Rightarrow |
\backslash |
\copyright |
\downarrow |
\Downarrow |
\heartsuit |
\leftarrow |
\Leftarrow |
\spadesuit |
\clubsuit |
\subseteq |
\Diamond |
\partial |
\uparrow |
\Uparrow |
\Upsilon |
\approx |
\bullet |
\exists |
\forall |
\langle |
\lbrace |
\lfloor |
\oslash |
\otimes |
\propto |
\rangle |
\rbrace |
\rfloor |
\subset |
\supset |
\aleph |
\angle |
\cdot |
\circ |
\cong |
\equiv |
\gets |
\land |
\lceil |
\ldots |
\lnot |
\nabla |
\not= |
\notin |
\oplus |
\owns |
\prep |
\prime |
\prod |
\rceil |
\surd |
\times |
\wedge |
\Box |
\cap |
\cup |
\div |
\geq |
\int |
\leq |
\lor |
\mid |
\neg |
\neq |
\sum |
\vee |
\ge |
\im |
\Im |
\in |
\le |
\ne |
\ni |
\pm |
\re |
\Re |
\to |
\ul |
\wp |
"f(x \to \infty) \approx 0"
"\nabla \times E = -\partialB/\partialt"
"\angleH(\omega) = 2\cdot\pi"
Superscript and Subscript
Superscript and subscripts are specified with the ^ and _ characters.
"E = mc^2"
"P(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3"
"\alpha^{\lambda_0 + \lambda_1}"
A fraction with a horizontal separator is specified by the
following function:
"\frac{a^2 + b^2}{a^2 _ b^2}"
"\Phi_x(\omega) \equiv \frac{|X(e^{j\omega})|^2}{\pi}"
Font Modification
Font characteristics such as size, color, style, type and angle can
be modified inline:
Font Modification
\fontangle{angle} |
text angle |
\textcolor{color} |
text foreground color |
\colorbox{color} |
text background color |
\fontname{name} |
font name |
\fontsize{size} |
font size, pixels if size > 0 else points |
\color{color} |
text foreground color |
\tex{on_off} |
Inline TeX processing mode - 0:disabled, 1:enabled |
\bf |
Bold font |
\it |
Italics font |
\rm |
Normal font |
\tt |
Courier font |
"This is \it{italics} text and this is \bf{bold} text."
"This is \color{lred}{in red} and \color{green}{green}."
"This is \fontsize{32}{big} and \fontsize{12}{small}."
"\colorbox{yellow}{F(\sigma) = e^{\frac{\sigma^2}{2\pi}}}"
"Raw Units: \tex{0}V^2\tex{1}, TeX Units: V^2"