DADiSP 6.0 B18 Release Notes
New Features
DADiSP/2002 includes a number of new features and enhancements. The majority
of these changes and improvements are the direct result of customer requests
and interaction. Below is a list of some of the major enhancements included
in DADiSP/2002:
Active Document Server
DADiSP/2002 now supports external Worksheet Documents or .DWK
files (DADiSP Worksheet File). DWK files are single file,
standalone worksheets that can be saved or opened by DADiSP. In
addition, DWK files can be emailed and viewed by anyone running
DADiSP 6.0 or higher. DWK files can be displayed directly
from the Web by Internet Explorer if DADiSP/2002 6.0 is
DADiSP/2002 functions as a full ActiveX Document Server. DADiSP
Worksheets can be embedded, manipulated, saved and printed by any
ActiveX Container application such as MS Excel or MS Word.
Extended Automation Server
DADiSP/2002 adds several data transfer methods to an already
powerful Automation server environment. DADiSP/2002's dual COM
automation support allows both interpreted languages such as
Visual Basic and compiled languages like C/C++ to make efficient
use of DADiSP as an extremely powerful data analysis engine. Any
application supporting Automation can seamlessly connect to
DADiSP via standard ActiveX protocols to gain access to over 1000
fast and efficient data analysis routines.
DADiSP/2002 also functions as an Automation Client, allowing any
COM based Automation Server to be incorporated into the DADiSP
environment via SPL, DADiSP's Series Processing Language.
Just in Time Memory Management
DADiSP/2002 employs an optimized memory management scheme to make
the most of system memory when processing large or small
datasets. Large series are transparently buffered to and from
the disk while in memory buffers are sized specifically to the
result of the calculation at hand. The maximum buffer size can
be customized to take advantage of today's large memory systems.
Calculations involving smaller series are automatically compacted
to conserve total memory space.
Faster Execution
Combining JIT memory management with code optimizations has
resulted in speed improvements of up to 100% for critical signal
processing functions such as FFT, SPECTRUM, PSD, CONV and FILTEQ.
Additional core routines have been optimized providing increased
performance for several other matrix and series manipulation
New Function Wizard
DADiSP/2002 provides a new "Function Wizard" to guide you through
the selection of appropriate analysis routines in a simple and
natural manner. Functions are easily grouped to form any type of
specialized analysis expression or routines can be executed immediately
to provide quick and accurate results.
Recursive Window References
Worksheets can optionally include recursive formulae to support
the simulation of discrete and analog feedback based systems.
Direct Annotations
Text, legends, line and arrow annotations can be directly
manipulated with the mouse. Annotations can be moved, edited or
deleted by right clicking or mouse selection. Full text and line
annotation properties are configurable by standard dialogs.
Improved Hardcopy
DADiSP/2002 automatically adjusts the Worksheet or Window plot to
make maximum use of the printer's graphics capabilities. Plot
attributes such as color, margin alignment, borders and text
justification can be specified through simple Print Preview
dialogs. Print Preview has been enhanced to produce a more realistic
rendering of the printed page.
Expanded Documentation
The DADiSP/2002 Function Reference has been significantly
expanded and enhanced. Examples from the on-line help files can
be cut and pasted directly into a DADiSP Worksheet for immediate
SPL Extensions
DADiSP's Series Processing Language, SPL, has been extended to
provide variable function arguments, ternary conditional
statements and user defined error handlers. The new ITERATE
modifier allows SPL routines to automatically iterate through each
column of an input array, greatly simplifying the task of
multi-column data processing. SPL's C/C++ syntax offers a familiar
and clean programming style allowing users to create custom
functions and procedures using standard programming techniques.
More Functions
DADiSP/2002 includes over 80 new built-in and SPL routines
spanning the areas of matrix and series manipulation, signal
processing, math, color, series generation, curve fitting and
statistics. DADiSP/2002 now offers over 1000 analysis routines
with an intuitive and familiar user interface to provide one of
the most complete and easy to use data analysis tools available
TeX Support
DADiSP/2002 supports a subset of TeX formatting commands to allow
typesetting of Greek symbols and math formulae. TeX formatting
is supported in text functions, plot labels, plot titles and units