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"A jewel, a fully responsive package that meets the needs of the Test & Evaluation world."

- Mike Alamo, Ordnance Evaluation

DADiSP 6.0 B18 Release Notes

ActiveX Enhancements

Visible Property

DADiSP Supports the "visible" Property For example, in Visual Basic:

    DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")
    DADiSP.Visible = 1

establishes a connection with DADiSP and makes it visible. The visible property accepts the following values:

    0 - hidden
    1 - normal
    2 - maximized
    3 - iconic

ActiveX Dot Syntax

SPL supports the ActiveX a.b.c = 1 syntax

Quit Method

The "Quit" method exits DADiSP. For example:

    DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")

exits with confirmation, and:


exits immediately, without confirmation. Note, the EXIT function is also available:


behaves as above.

GetComplexData and PutComplexData Methods

The GetComplexData method retrieves a complex array from a variable or Window.

    GetComplexData("name", rmarray, iparray, form)

    "name"     - variable name or Window (in quotes)
    rmarray    - destination real or mag safearray
    iparray    - destination imag or phase safearray
    form       - integer, 0: real / imag form
                          1: magnitude / phase form

PutComplexData transfers a complex array to a variable or Window.

    PutComplexData("name", rmarray, iparray, form)

    "name"     - variable name or Window (in quotes)
    rmarray    - destination real or mag safearray
    iparray    - destination imag or phase safearray
    form       - integer, 0: real / imag form
                          1: magnitude / phase form


The CASTVARIANT function converts an input to an explicit Automation variant type. Consider the following SPL code:

    xl = createobject("Excel.Application");
    xl.range("A1").value = "1.11.58";
    xl.range("B1").value = castvariant("1.11.58", 7);
    xl.visible = 1;

Cell A1 of Excel contains the string "1.11.58" whereas cell B1 contains the time value 1:11:58 AM. Type:

    help castvariant

for conversion details.

CASTVARIANTARRAY converts a normal DADiSP series from an array of doubles to an array of variants.

Matlab Style Matrix Methods

The following ActiveX methods work identically to the routines in Matlab and Matlab like products:


These routines greatly simplify the conversion of legacy Matlab ActiveX code to equivalent SPL functions.

 SPL Enhancements | Command Line Args