DADiSP / ProPac
ProPac Math Acceleration Module
ProPac automatically accelerates many math computations and operations.
In addition, custom or built-in routines that make use
of these enhanced calculations experience significant speed improvements.
Below is a list of routines provided by DADiSP that benefit
directly from the ProPac Module.
Vector Operations and Functions
+ |
Vector Add |
- |
Vector Subtract |
* |
Vector Multiply |
/ |
Vector Divide |
^ |
Vector Power |
acos |
Inverse Cosine |
acosh |
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine |
asin |
Inverse Sine |
asinh |
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine |
atan |
Inverse Tangent |
atanh |
Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent |
cos |
Cosine |
cosh |
Hyperbolic Cosine |
sin |
Sine |
sinh |
Hyperbolic Sine |
tan |
Tangent |
tanh |
Hyperbolic Tangent |
abs |
Absolute Value |
ceil |
Ceiling |
exp |
Exponential |
floor |
Floor |
log |
Natural Log |
log10 |
Log Base 10 |
sqrt |
Square Root |
FFT Based Functions
cceps |
Complex cepstrum |
dct |
Discrete cosine transform |
dct2 |
2D Discrete cosine transform |
decilp |
Bandlimited decimation |
facorr |
Auto-correlation function |
facov |
Auto-covariance function |
fcirconv |
Fast circular convolution |
fconv |
Fast convolution |
fdeconv |
Fast deconvolution |
fft |
Fast Fourier Transform |
fft2 |
2D Fast Fourier Transform |
finteg |
Frequency domain integration |
firsamp |
Frequency sampling filter design |
fpadfilt |
Filtering with end padding |
fxcorr |
Cross-correlation function |
fxcov |
Cross-covariance function |
fzinterp |
Interpolation by FFT zero insertion |
grpdelay |
Group delay |
hilb |
Hilbert transform |
idct |
Inverse discrete cosine transform |
idct2 |
2D Inverse discrete cosine transform |
ifft |
Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
ifft2 |
2D Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
invpsd |
PSD to time series |
nfft |
Zero pad or time aliased FFT |
npsd |
Zero pad or time aliased PSD |
nspectrum |
Zero pad or time aliased spectrum |
powspec |
Power spectrum |
psd |
Power spectral density |
specgram |
Joint time-frequency spectum |
sfreq |
S transform evaluation |
spectrum |
Normalized FFT magnitude |
rceps |
Real cepstrum |
zfreq |
Z transform evaluation |
Matrix Operations and Functions
*^ |
Matrix Multiply |
^^ |
Matrix Power |
\^ |
Matrix Solve |
balance |
Eigenvalues with Balancing |
chol |
Cholesky Decomposition |
crossprod |
Matrix Cross-product, a' *^ b |
det |
Matrix Determinant |
eig |
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
expm |
Matrix Exponential |
funm |
General Matrix Function |
hess |
Hessenberg Matrix Form |
inv |
Matrix Inverse |
linfit |
General Least Squares Curve Fitting |
lu |
LU Decomposition |
polyfit |
Polynomial Curve Fitting |
qr |
QR Decomposition |
schur |
Schur Decomposition |
svd |
Singular Value Decomposition |
Misc Functions
conv |
Direct Convolution |
rand |
Uniform Distributed Noise |
randn |
Gaussian Distributed Noise |