DADiSP® Product Background
About DADiSP
DADiSP (Data Analysis and Display), developed by DSP Development Corporation
of Newton, MA, is the first
general purpose personal productivity software for
scientists and engineers. Through a sophisticated
integration of powerful computational and analytical
capabilities, DADiSP allows users to depict and
manipulate large amounts of data in an interactive,
graphical environment.
The Standard
DADiSP has long been considered the standard for data
analysis in laboratory automation, data reduction, speech
processing, sonar and radar applications, digital signal
processing, computer-aided engineering, and other fields.
It delivers the power, flexibility, extendibility and
ease-of-use that make it applicable to a wide range of
technical computing tasks.
The Worksheet Model
DADiSP is a general purpose analytical tool for
scientists and engineers much like the spreadsheet is a
tool for financial analysts. However, DADiSP replaces the
rows-and-columns ledger format with a graphical interface
that meets the technical user's needs for interactive
visual analysis of large amounts of data. A DADiSP
Worksheet consists of a series of windows in which data is displayed
and manipulated in a variety of graphical and tabular
styles simultaneously, according to the user's requirements and
applications. DADiSP users can perform multiple complex
operations in one window and view results in other
Analysis Windows
Dozens of windows may be created and viewed on the screen
at once, with the ability to zoom in or out of graphs, to
scroll, and to overlay graphs as needed. In addition,
changes made to a singe window automatically cause
dependent windows to recalculate and update. In all
cases, the user interacts with the data visually, through
the keyboard, a mouse, through user-defined SPL (Series
Processing Language) routines and DADiSP command scripts
or through existing, application-specific external
programs that work seamlessly with DADiSP.
2000+ Functions
The multiple windows allow DADiSP to perform a variety of
tasks such as data reduction, pattern recognition, peak
analysis, statistical analysis, mathematical analysis,
Fourier transforms, convolutions, digital filtering,
waterfall plots, three-dimensional plots, and many other
operations. There are over 2000 functions available for
Powerful GUI
Aside from its power and flexibility, one of the main
features of DADiSP is its graphical user interface which
speeds analysis for the novice user and the experienced
"power user" alike. Using a variety of icons, menus,
property sheets and dialog boxes, DADiSP guides the user
through the needed computational and analytical tools.
Also important to users and managers making buying
decisions, DADiSP presents a consistent interface across
all computing platforms. This
simplifies and minimizes training and ensures users that
skills learned in one version of DADiSP are readily
applicable to any other.
Flexible Data Sources
DADiSP allows users to enter data manually or bring in
data sets from a variety of sources including ASCII, CSV,
8-bit byte, 16-bit integer, 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, IEEE
single and double precision floating point files, industry and vendor
specific formats or
directly from many common data measurement or acquisition
With command file, user-definable macro capability, and
SPL, DADiSP also provides the flexibility and
extendibility needed to customize the software and
automate DADiSP sessions for specific applications
Supported Hardware
DADiSP supports Windows 64-bit and Windows 32-bit operating
systems in use at many technical organizations. Classic versions of DADiSP also
run under X-Windows Motif on legacy workstations from Sun
Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Concurrent, Digital
Equipment Corporation, NeXT, and Silicon Graphics.
DSP continually upgrades DADiSP in response to the
increased accessibility and demand for powerful and
very low-cost PC's and the growing need
among technical users for a truly general purpose
productivity software package.
Over 25 Years of Experience
Based on more then 25 years of experience serving the
technical market, DSP continues to extend existing DADiSP features
and add new ones to address an expanding market.
Key new features of DADiSP are:
- Enhanced and streamlined user interface
- Standalone, external Worksheet files (.dwk)
- Active Document Support for embedding into Word,
Excel, etc.
- Just in Time memory management for faster
- Virtual series processing for seamless manipulation of big datasets
- Dual interface ActiveX support
- Text and drawing toolbar
- Expanded dialog boxes and property sheets
- Right click quick menus
- SPL (Series Processing Language) with debugger
- Over 2000 analysis and plotting routines
- Enhanced plotting and presentation graphics
- Native 64-bit Processing
Feature Rich
In addition to these new features, DADiSP offers the
ability to capture data from numerous sources,
multiple data views, a wide array of mathematical and
graphical analysis functions, extensive signal
processing features, ActiveX and the DSP Pipeline to
run external programs from within DADiSP, textual and
graphic annotation of windows, virtually no limits on data
size, high speed 64-bit IEEE standard double precision
arithmetic, and publication quality hardcopy.
Technical Productivity Tool
Just as Excel serves as a
general purpose application for business and financial
users, DADiSP offers a robust set of features to serve as
a rich and diverse productivity tool for scientists and engineers.
The Market Need
Before DADiSP, there was no single general purpose
productivity package for the technical user.
Traditional financial spreadsheets were powerful and
effective for manipulating numerical data, but
required extensive customization to meet users'
needs. Designed for general business use,
spreadsheets were cumbersome for visual analysis of
large data sets.
Technical software applications have been available
for PC's, but most packages are designed to
perform a very specific task. Like spreadsheets,
these packages require extensive customization.
General Purpose Solution
DADiSP fulfills the need for a general purpose
software package that is designed specifically for
the technical user. Although it can be customized, it
does not require customization to get the job
Powerful PC's
Another important factor driving this need is the
rapid growth of the technical PC market. Prices have
fallen while computing power has jumped, making it
feasible for many organizations to place high performance
PC's on every engineer's desk. General purpose software is needed
to allow companies and individuals to reap the full
benefit of the competitive advantages provided by this
powerful hardware.
Market Tested
DADiSP's market-tested power and flexibility make it
an ideal software tool for the high performance
PC user in a technical organization.
DADiSP Modules
A number of plug-in modules are available for DADiSP, including:
- DADiSP/AdvDSP performs a wide
variety of advanced DSP algorithms, including advanced FFT
analysis, power spectral density estimation, digital
interpolation and spectrum analysis.
- DADiSP/CFC designs and filters
acceleration data with SAE J211 andISO 6487 Channel Frequency
Class filters.
- DADiSP/COMTRADE automatically
imports a popular data file format for the power industry.
- DADiSP/Controls allows for
easy and accurate design, analysis and simulation of both
discrete and continuous linear time invariant
single-input/single-output (SISO) controllers.
- DADiSP/Dataq File imports and exports Dataq WDQ files.
- DADiSP/DEWESoft loads DEWESoft data files.
- DADiMP is a standalone module
that imports ASCII or Binary files directly into DADiSP.
- DADiSP/FFTXL automatically accelerates
the computation of the FFT and related functions.
- DADiSP/Filters allows for FIR
and IIR digital filter design and analysis.
- GPIBLab collects data from
IEEE-488 Instruments and requires no programming.
- DADiSP/ISF loads Tektronix
Instrument Specific Files (ISF).
- DADiSP/ISO 2631 filters acceleration data
with frequency weighting curves defined by the ISO 2631 standard.
- DADiSP/MAT File imports MAT files created
by MATLAB and similar programs.
- DADiSP/MatrixXL automatically accelerates
matrix computations using a highly optimized LAPACK library.
- DADiSP/NeuralNet provides direct and
easy access to the demonstrated predictive power and pattern
recognition capability of neural networking technology.
- DADiSP/Octave performs ANSI and
IEC compatible 1/N fractional octave analysis and display.
- DADiSP/PNRF automatically
imports HBM Perception Native Recording Format Files (PNRF).
- DADiSP/ProPac combines the
VectorXL module with the FFTXL and MatrixXL modules to
provide a single, optimized numeric processing engine.
- DADiSP/SIF automatically
imports SoMat Information Files (SIF).
- DADiSP/SRS performs shock response
spectrum computations and analysis.
- DADiSP/Stats performs a variety
of statistical tests and presents statistical information
- DADiSP/TDMS imports and exports National Instruments TDM/TDMS files.
- DADiSP/UFF imports and exports
data in the Universal File Format (UFF).
- DADiSP/VectorXL automatically accelerates
series arithmetic computations using a highly optimized VML library.
- DADiSP/WAV can read, write, edit
and play PCM .WAV audio files.
- DADiSP/WVF imports data in Yokogawa WVF format.
Distribute Stand-Alone Applications
DADiSP Application Builder is a component form
of DADiSP that allows stand-alone
applications to embed DADiSP's analytical and/or graphical functionality
with royalty free distribution.
Available Worldwide
DADiSP is available directly from DSP Development or
from its worldwide network of distributors including
VARs, OEMs, software catalogs and computer and
instrumentation companies with whom DSP has
cooperative marketing arrangements.
DADiSP is a registered trademark of DSP Development Corporation.