IEEE-488 Instrument Control Module
GPIBLab is a menu-driven software module for DADiSP that collects
data from IEEE-488 instruments. GPIBLab requires no programming or
messy configuration. GPIBLab and DADiSP provide a full range of
instrument control and data collection options through the
easy-to-understand menus.
Data collected from your instruments via the General Purpose
Interface Bus (GPIB) is displayed automatically in DADiSP's
multi-window graphical analysis Worksheet. Because GPIBLab
operates within DADiSP's graphical Worksheet environment, all of
the DADiSP analysis and graphics functionality is available to
display, reduce, analyze, and output your data
Key Features
- Specify Data Collection Parameters through Simple Dialogs
- Query and Control Hundreds of IEEE-488 Instruments
- Direct, High Speed Data Collection
- Easily Automate Instrument Procedures
- Standard Drop-In Macro Template for New Instruments
- Customize the GPIBLab User Interface