DADiSP® 6.5 New Functions
New Functions
Over 100 new functions have been added to DADiSP 6.5. A full
description of each function listed here is included in the
on-line help system.
New Functions
Over 100 new functions have been added to DADiSP 6.5. Full
descriptions of the functions listed here are included in the
on-line help system.
calculate |
Evaluate a Command String with Optional Arguments and Return a Variant |
fireevent |
Fire a Custom ActiveX Event for Automation Languages |
getcontrol |
Return the Handle of the Current ActiveX Control |
raiseevent |
Fire a Custom ActiveX Event for .NET languages |
registerevent |
Assign an SPL Function to an external ActiveX Event |
unregisterevent |
Remove an ActiveX Event Handler |
Color Manipulation
pink |
Generate a Black, Red, Yellow, White Colormap |
webcolors |
Define 128 Web Compatible Colors |
castwindow |
Cast an Input Expression to a Window |
hex2int |
Convert a Hexidecimal String to an Integer |
int2hex |
Convert an Integer to Hexidecimal String |
makecartesian |
Combine Two Expressions into Complex Cartesian Form |
makepolar |
Combine Two Expressions into Complex Polar Form |
refseries |
Reference a Series in an SPL Function without Creating a Copy |
refwindow |
Reference a Window in an SPL Function |
Curve Fitting
gaussfit |
Gaussian Exponential Fit |
linfit |
Least Squares Fitting of Arbitrary Basis Functions |
sinfit |
Fits a Sin using the FFT |
trend |
Least Squares Line Fit |
File Functions
copyfile |
Copy Folder or One or More Files |
delfile |
Delete One or More Files |
direxists |
Test if Folder Exists |
fileexists |
Test if File Exists |
mkdir |
Create a New Folder |
movefile |
Move Folder or One or More Files |
rmdir |
Delete a Folder |
arrowdraw |
Draw an Arrow |
deletehandle |
Delete a Text or Shape Object |
ellipsedraw |
Draw an Ellipse |
findhandle |
Return a Handle to a Shape or Text Object |
findshape |
Return a Handle to a Shape Object |
findtext |
Return a Handle to a Text Object |
linedraw |
Draw Single or Multiple Segment Line |
polygondraw |
Draw a Closed Polygon |
rectdraw |
Draw a Rectangle |
Math Functions
airy |
Airy Function of the First or Second Kind |
besselh |
Bessel Function of the Third Kind (Hankel Fnction) |
besseli |
Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind |
besselj |
Bessel Function of the First Kind |
besselk |
Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind |
bessely |
Bessel Function of the Second Kind |
cumtrapz |
Trapezoidal Rule Integration |
fresnelc |
Fresnel Cosine Integral |
fresnels |
Fresnel Sine Integral |
linavg |
Zero Phase Shift Moving Average |
trapz |
Trapezoidal Rule Area Calculation |
.* |
Scalar Multiply |
./ |
Scalar Divide |
.' |
Non-conjugate Matrix Transpose |
@@ |
Concatenate Two Series |
@= |
Append a Series In Place |
setstripchartalt |
Set Stripchart Alternate Scales |
setstripchartcolormode |
Set Stripchart Series Color Inheritance |
setstripchartdir |
Set Stripchart Trace Stacking Order |
setstripchartgap |
Set Percentage Gap between Stripchart Traces |
setxticprecision |
Set the Numerical Precision of X Tic Values |
setyticprecision |
Set the Numerical Precision of Y Tic Values |
stripchart |
Create a Multi-series Stacked Stripchart Plot |
Series Manipulation
delmatch |
Deletes Values from a Source Series Found in a Target Series |
findcol |
Finds the Columns of a Series that Match a Condition |
findrow |
Finds the Rows of a Series that Match a Condition |
sermatch |
Returns the Indices of the Values of a Source Series Found in a Target Series |
Signal Processing
decilp |
Band Limited Series Decimation |
demodfm |
Demodulate an FM Series using the Hilbert Transform |
finteg |
Frequency Domain Integration |
freqs |
Frequency Response of a Laplace Transform in Radians |
freqz |
Frequency Response of a Z Transform |
grpdelay |
Calculate the Group Delay of a Z Transform |
impz |
Calculate the Impulse Response of a Z Transform |
invfreqs |
Find Analog Filter Coeffcients from a Complex Frequency Response |
invfreqz |
Find Digital Filter Coeffcients from a Complex Frequency Response |
invpsd |
Construct a Time Series from a Given PSD Series |
modfm |
Frequency Modulate a Series |
nfft |
N Point FFT with Zero Padding or Time Aliasing |
nspectrum |
N Point Spectrum with Zero Padding or Time Aliasing |
padfilt |
FIR Filtering with Optional Endpoint Padding |
polyder |
Evaluate the Derivative of a Polynomial |
polystab |
Reflect Polynomial Roots to Inside of Unit Circle |
polyval |
Evaluate a Polynomial |
resample |
Resample a Series to a Specified Sample Rate |
sfreq |
Frequency Response of a Laplace Transform in Hertz |
zhpfilt |
High Pass Filtering By FFT Zeroing |
zlpfilt |
Low Pass Filtering By FFT Zeroing |
zpfcoef |
Digital Filter Design from Analog Poles and Zeros |
extern |
Function or File Based Global Variable Declaration |
static |
Function or File Based Static Variable Declaration |
gammainc |
Regularized Incomplete Gamma Function |
kurtosis |
Series kurtosis |
percentile |
Percentile Estimation of a Series |
skew |
Skewness of a Series |
std |
Sample (population) Standard Deviation |
String Functions
filestrrep |
Replace a Pattern String with a New String in a List of Files |
getexename |
Return Executable or ActiveX Server Name |
getmiscpath |
Return the Location of Various System Folders |
strmatch |
Find a Pattern String with a Search String |
strreplace |
Replace a Pattern String with a New String |
Time and Date
decdate |
Convert Decimal Date to Standard Date |
dectime |
Convert Decimal Time to Standard Time |
getxdate |
Return the Displayed X Window Coordinates in Date Values |
getxtime |
Return the Displayed X Window Coordinates in Time Values |
setxdate |
Set the X Coordinates of a Window in Date Values |
setxtime |
Set the X Coordinates of a Window in Time Values |
autoconfig |
Configure Folder Layout to Conform to Vista/Windows 7 Conventions |
gotourl |
Open a Web Page in the Default Browser |
hideall |
Hides all Windows |
itemprocess |
Let Math Functions Automatically Process Overlays |
pdchist |
Add a Command String to the Right-Click Popup Menu |
protectwin |
Protect a Window and Preserve Formula |
rehash |
Updates Internal Paths |
showwinname |
Display or Hide Window Names |
unix2dos |
Converts Unix Style File to Windows/DOS File |
unprotectwin |
Re-established a Protected Window Formula |
viewhtml |
Display an HTML File or Web Page |
winlock |
Lock a Window Formula |
Top Ten New Features
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