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DADiSP® 6.5 New Functions

New Functions

Over 100 new functions have been added to DADiSP 6.5. A full description of each function listed here is included in the on-line help system.

New Functions

Over 100 new functions have been added to DADiSP 6.5. Full descriptions of the functions listed here are included in the on-line help system.


calculate Evaluate a Command String with Optional Arguments and Return a Variant
fireevent Fire a Custom ActiveX Event for Automation Languages
getcontrol Return the Handle of the Current ActiveX Control
raiseevent Fire a Custom ActiveX Event for .NET languages
registerevent Assign an SPL Function to an external ActiveX Event
unregisterevent Remove an ActiveX Event Handler

Color Manipulation

pink Generate a Black, Red, Yellow, White Colormap
webcolors Define 128 Web Compatible Colors


castwindow Cast an Input Expression to a Window
hex2int Convert a Hexidecimal String to an Integer
int2hex Convert an Integer to Hexidecimal String
makecartesian Combine Two Expressions into Complex Cartesian Form
makepolar Combine Two Expressions into Complex Polar Form
refseries Reference a Series in an SPL Function without Creating a Copy
refwindow Reference a Window in an SPL Function

Curve Fitting

gaussfit Gaussian Exponential Fit
linfit Least Squares Fitting of Arbitrary Basis Functions
sinfit Fits a Sin using the FFT
trend Least Squares Line Fit

File Functions

copyfile Copy Folder or One or More Files
delfile Delete One or More Files
direxists Test if Folder Exists
fileexists Test if File Exists
mkdir Create a New Folder
movefile Move Folder or One or More Files
rmdir Delete a Folder


arrowdraw Draw an Arrow
deletehandle Delete a Text or Shape Object
ellipsedraw Draw an Ellipse
findhandle Return a Handle to a Shape or Text Object
findshape Return a Handle to a Shape Object
findtext Return a Handle to a Text Object
linedraw Draw Single or Multiple Segment Line
polygondraw Draw a Closed Polygon
rectdraw Draw a Rectangle

Math Functions

airy Airy Function of the First or Second Kind
besselh Bessel Function of the Third Kind (Hankel Fnction)
besseli Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind
besselj Bessel Function of the First Kind
besselk Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind
bessely Bessel Function of the Second Kind
cumtrapz Trapezoidal Rule Integration
fresnelc Fresnel Cosine Integral
fresnels Fresnel Sine Integral
linavg Zero Phase Shift Moving Average
trapz Trapezoidal Rule Area Calculation


.* Scalar Multiply
./ Scalar Divide
.' Non-conjugate Matrix Transpose
@@ Concatenate Two Series
@= Append a Series In Place


setstripchartalt Set Stripchart Alternate Scales
setstripchartcolormode Set Stripchart Series Color Inheritance
setstripchartdir Set Stripchart Trace Stacking Order
setstripchartgap Set Percentage Gap between Stripchart Traces
setxticprecision Set the Numerical Precision of X Tic Values
setyticprecision Set the Numerical Precision of Y Tic Values
stripchart Create a Multi-series Stacked Stripchart Plot

Series Manipulation

delmatch Deletes Values from a Source Series Found in a Target Series
findcol Finds the Columns of a Series that Match a Condition
findrow Finds the Rows of a Series that Match a Condition
sermatch Returns the Indices of the Values of a Source Series Found in a Target Series

Signal Processing

decilp Band Limited Series Decimation
demodfm Demodulate an FM Series using the Hilbert Transform
finteg Frequency Domain Integration
freqs Frequency Response of a Laplace Transform in Radians
freqz Frequency Response of a Z Transform
grpdelay Calculate the Group Delay of a Z Transform
impz Calculate the Impulse Response of a Z Transform
invfreqs Find Analog Filter Coeffcients from a Complex Frequency Response
invfreqz Find Digital Filter Coeffcients from a Complex Frequency Response
invpsd Construct a Time Series from a Given PSD Series
modfm Frequency Modulate a Series
nfft N Point FFT with Zero Padding or Time Aliasing
nspectrum N Point Spectrum with Zero Padding or Time Aliasing
padfilt FIR Filtering with Optional Endpoint Padding
polyder Evaluate the Derivative of a Polynomial
polystab Reflect Polynomial Roots to Inside of Unit Circle
polyval Evaluate a Polynomial
resample Resample a Series to a Specified Sample Rate
sfreq Frequency Response of a Laplace Transform in Hertz
zhpfilt High Pass Filtering By FFT Zeroing
zlpfilt Low Pass Filtering By FFT Zeroing
zpfcoef Digital Filter Design from Analog Poles and Zeros


extern Function or File Based Global Variable Declaration
static Function or File Based Static Variable Declaration


gammainc Regularized Incomplete Gamma Function
kurtosis Series kurtosis
percentile Percentile Estimation of a Series
skew Skewness of a Series
std Sample (population) Standard Deviation

String Functions

filestrrep Replace a Pattern String with a New String in a List of Files
getexename Return Executable or ActiveX Server Name
getmiscpath Return the Location of Various System Folders
strmatch Find a Pattern String with a Search String
strreplace Replace a Pattern String with a New String

Time and Date

decdate Convert Decimal Date to Standard Date
dectime Convert Decimal Time to Standard Time
getxdate Return the Displayed X Window Coordinates in Date Values
getxtime Return the Displayed X Window Coordinates in Time Values
setxdate Set the X Coordinates of a Window in Date Values
setxtime Set the X Coordinates of a Window in Time Values


autoconfig Configure Folder Layout to Conform to Vista/Windows 7 Conventions
gotourl Open a Web Page in the Default Browser
hideall Hides all Windows
itemprocess Let Math Functions Automatically Process Overlays
pdchist Add a Command String to the Right-Click Popup Menu
protectwin Protect a Window and Preserve Formula
rehash Updates Internal Paths
showwinname Display or Hide Window Names
unix2dos Converts Unix Style File to Windows/DOS File
unprotectwin Re-established a Protected Window Formula
viewhtml Display an HTML File or Web Page
winlock Lock a Window Formula

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