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DADiSP / Filters Version 6.8

New Features

DADiSP/Filters Version 6.8 includes a number of functional and performance related improvements to simplify and optimize the design and analysis of filters.

Optimized time and frequency domain filtering routines for FIR and IIR filters provide more efficient filter processing. Optional end point padding reduces ramp up and ramp down transients for both FIR and IIR filtering operations. Phaseless IIR filtering with automatic initial conditions correction is included. A single filter can be applied to multi-column input series for multi-channel processing.

Filters can be designed with user specified pass band ripple, transition band width and stop band attenuation or user specified fixed order. Fixed order designs automatically constrain secondary filter characteristics.

IIR filters support analog filter design. Multiple Bessel filter normalization methods are provided. IIR filter coefficients are automatically sequenced to provide the highest stability and accuracy for data filtering. Filtering uses the Transposed Direct Form II structure for faster processing with greater insensitivity to round off errors.

Expanded, extensive and detailed on-line help assists both the novice user and expert professional.

Filters 6.8 New Features Summary

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