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DADiSP Filters 6.8 Functions

Although most users access DADiSP/Filters through the dialog based interface, DADiSP/Filters includes over 50 standalone functions. The following table is a summary of each function.

* Indicates improved Version 6.8 functions.

FIR Filter Functions

bandpass Designs a FIR linear phase bandpass filter
bandstop Designs a FIR linear phase bandstop filter
diff Designs a FIR differentiator
highpass Designs a FIR linear phase highpass filter
hilbert Designs a FIR Hilbert transformer
kwbpass Designs a Kaiser window FIR bandpass filter
kwbstop Designs a Kaiser window FIR bandstop filter
kwhpass Designs a Kaiser window FIR highpass filter
kwlpass Designs a Kaiser window FIR lowpass filter
lowpass Designs a FIR linear phase lowpass filter
remez Creates multiband FIR linear phase filters

IIR Filter Functions

bessel* Designs an IIR Bessel filter
butterworth Designs an IIR Butterworth filter
cascade Filters a time domain input with an IIR filter
cheby1 Designs an IIR Chebychev I filter
cheby2 Designs an IIR Chebychev II filter
elliptic Designs an IIR Elliptical filter

Filter Response Functions

filtbode* Displays a Bode Plot of the frequency domain response
filtgrpdelay* Calculates group delay of any filter
filtmag* Calculates any filter magnitude response
filtimp* Calculates any filter impulse response
filtphase Calculates any filter phase response
filtuphase* Calculates any filter unwrapped phase response
filtstep* Calculates any filter step response

Filter Coefficient Conversion Functions

cas2dir* Converts Cascade form to Direct form
cas2fir* Converts Cascade form to impulse response form
dir2cas* Converts Direct form to Cascade form
dircascade* Combines multiple direct form filters
fir2cas* Converts FIR impulse form to Cascade form
fir2dir Converts FIR impulse form to Direct form
fircascade* Combines multiple FIR impulse response form filters
iircascade* Combines multiple IIR cascade biquad form filters
quantize Quantize filter coefficients to N bits

Filtering Functions

filtdataF* Apply any filter in the frequency domain
filtdata* Apply any filter in the time domain
filtfilt* Phaseless time domain filtering with any filter
firfilterF Apply FIR filter in the frequency domain
firfilter* Apply FIR filter in the time domain
iirfilterF Apply IIR filter in the frequency domain
iirfilter* Apply IIR filter in the time domain

Misc Filter Functions

besselap* Zeros, poles and gain of a fixed order analog low pass Bessel filter prototype
besself* Designs an analog low pass IIR Bessel filter
filtzeros* Calculates zeros of any filter
buttap* Zeros, poles and gain of a fixed order analog low pass Butterworth filter prototype
butterm* Legacy fixed order Butterworth filter design
cheb1ap* Zeros, poles and gain of a fixed order analog low pass Chebyshev I filter prototype
cheb2ap* Zeros, poles and gain of a fixed order analog low pass Chebyshev II filter prototype
cheby1m* Legacy fixed order Chebyshev I filter design
cheby2m* Legacy fixed order Chebyshev II filter design
ellipap* Zeros, poles and gain of a fixed order analog low pass elliptic filter prototype
ellipm* Legacy fixed order elliptic filter design
filtpoles Calculates poles of any filter
firzeros Calculates zeros of an FIR filter
fullfir Converts FIR filter to full band linear phase
splane* Pole-Zero plot of an analog filter
unwrap Phase unwrapping using Schafer's algorithm
zplane Pole-Zero plot of a digital filter
zuphase* Phase unwrapping from the complex frequency response

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