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DADiSP / Filters 6.8


Digital Filter Design Module

DADiSP/Filters is a menu-driven, digital filtering module that adds complete FIR and IIR filtering capabilities to DADiSP. DADiSP/Filters allows you to quickly design, analyze and process both FIR (Finite Impulse Response) and IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) digital filters from easy-to-use dialog boxes or simple one line functions. On-line help and examples are also provided.

Design, Analyze and Apply

DADiSP/Filters gives you the power to easily build digital filters that emulate hardware based designs for testing and DADiSP/Filters verification or perform filtering operations not possible with traditional analog methods. DADiSP/Filters allows you to remove noise generated during the data collection process.

DADiSP/Filters is the perfect complement to GPIBLab, DADiSP's acquisition module for collecting data from IEEE-488 based instruments and DADiSP/AdvDSP, a sophisticated module for advanced signal processing techniques. In addition, the ProPac Module increases the speed of many DADiSP/Filters functions by significantly accelerating the computation of the core FFT and convolution functions.

FIR Filters

The FIR module creates linear phase lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, FIR Direct Form multiband, Hilbert transformers and differentiators using the Parks-McClellan/Remez Exchange optimal design algorithm. The filter order can be specified or automatically estimated from the particular filter specifications. The Kaiser Window method is also provided, capable of creating both very high order FIR filters and extremely tight, narrowband filters.

IIR Filters

The IIR module supports IIR Cascade Form Bessel, Butterworth, Chebychev I, Chebychev II and Elliptic designs for lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop recursive filters. The Bilinear transform method is employed and the resulting IIR coefficients can be determined in optimal multistage cascade format or traditional Direct form. Coefficients for analog designs can be computed. The module also supports the Matched-Z transform method to approximate linear phase characteristics for IIR Bessel filters.

Coefficient Conversion

Filter coefficients can be converted to and from Cascade, Direct and FIR form and the coefficients can be quantized to emulate DSP chipsets.

Filter Magnitude Response

Filter Response

The impulse, magnitude, phase and group delay characteristics can be calculated for any filter. Bode and Pole-Zero plots are also supported. Efficent time and frequency domain filtering algorithms are provided to apply the filter to any series.

Fully Integrated

The filters module is fully integrated with DADiSP to provide a complete digital filter design, analysis, display and processing environment. The DADiSP/Filters user interface is dialog based, eliminating the need to memorize argument lists or formulas and allows quick recall of previous filter designs. The filter coefficients are automatically displayed in a DADiSP window and can be saved for further use by DADiSP or other programs.


DADiSP/Filters requires DADiSP 6.7 B01 or higher. Contact us for information about updating your current version of DADiSP.

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