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DADiSP / Controls

Analog and Digital Control Module

DADiSP/Controls allows for the easy and accurate design, analysis, Route Locus and simulation of both discrete and continuous linear time invariant single-input/single-output (SISO) controllers. All of the functionality of the Controls module can be accessed through both easy-to-use pop-up menus and single line commands. Extensive on-line help menus and examples are provided.

Quick and Easy Control Design

Fully integrated with the DADiSP, DADiSP/Controls is display oriented to show you what is going on in your model. DADiSP/Controls includes menus for the quick design of the most common controllers (PID), simultaneous open and closed loop frequency and time response design of continuous 2nd order systems, and the iterative design of lag and lead compensators.

Continuous to Discrete & Discrete to Continuous Transformations

DADiSP/Controls has a variety of methods to calculate the discrete equivalent of a continuous system as well as the continuous equivalent of a discrete system. Methods include: zero-order hold, bilinear method (Tustin Transform or trapezoidal rule), backward integration method, and zero order hold with processing delay. DADiSP/Controls models delays in continuous systems with either the first or second order Padé approximation to an exponential.

Iterative Design of Common Systems

DADiSP/Controls introduces an iterative method for the design of the most common types of control systems (continuous and discrete phase compensators and continuous 2nd order systems). This method allows for the system to be designed through specification of both the transfer function coefficients and the performance characteristics of the system. The iterative aspects of the design are made possible through use of a design menu that echoes the Step Response dominant characteristics of the system and allows them to be repeatedly changed. At each step during the design, the effects of the most recent modification are included, and all of the characteristics of the system recalculated. Only when the entire system meets your specifications and the design is accepted, are the coefficients output to the desired windows.

Simulations with Initial Conditions

To develop a continuous simulation with initial conditions, DADiSP/Controls uses state space realization and eigenvector methods for solving differential equations. Examples provided explain which functions should be used, and demonstrate the proper procedure for developing this type of simulation.

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