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DADiSP / Comtrade 2.3

Comtrade Interface

COMTRADE Data File Import Module

COMTRADE (Common Format for Transient Data) is an important IEEE standard (C37.111) developed explicitly for the power industry. The standard defines a common format for data files used for the interchange of various types of fault, test or simulation data for electrical power systems. The IEEE standard also describes the sources of transient data such as digital protective relays, digital fault recorders and transient simulation programs and discusses the sampling rates, filters, and sample rate conversions for the transient data being exchanged. The C37.111-1999 standard establishes that the following files are necessary for the data exchange: header file (.hdr), configuration file (.cfg) and data file (.dat).

COMTRADE Header Conversion

DADiSP/Comtrade imports COMTRADE data files by automatically converting information in the COMTRADE configuration file (*.cfg) into a DADiSP header file. The header is processed by DADiSP's Import Facility to fully import COMTRADE data into a DADiSP series.

COMTRADE ASCII and Binary Formats

Both ASCII and binary COMTRADE file formats are supported. The original or revised file specification is automatically detected and fully processed. PTR (Potential Transformer Ratio) and CTR (Current Transformer Ratio) scaling factors are applied to the appropriate analog channels.

Simple Menu Interface

DADiSP/Comtrade runs from the DADiSP worksheet and is accessed by a press of a button. The COMTRADE user interface displays important file information and allows for individual channel selection. COMTRADE time and count channels are optionally supported. Once the COMTRADE parameters have been defined, the COMTRADE data is imported into DADiSP using the specific data acquisition settings provided in the configuration file. The imported channels can be plotted for immediate display.

Full Analysis System

DADiSP provides a complete analysis, display, and processing environment using COMTRADE data. The integration of DADiSP/Comtrade into DADiSP makes it easy to automate data import and analysis applications completely through SPL (Series Processing Language), macros, and command files.


DADiSP/Comtrade requires DADiSP 6.7 B01 or higher. Contact us for information about updating your current version of DADiSP.

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